Thursday, September 13, 2012

Effective Savings Strategy...

A man and woman are married, and on their wedding night, before the bride will have sex with her new husband, she says she wants Php 500.

The man laughs and thinks it's funny, that maybe she'll buy a new purse or shoes, so he obliges her.

But it went on like that for the next 30 years and that before the wife will have sex with her husband, she demands Php 500.00, and he pays it.

One day the husband comes home carrying a box of things from his office and his briefcase, just bawling his eyes out.

Wife: Honey! What's wrong? Are you okay?

Husband: The company was forced to downsize and they cut my job! After 30+ years, THEY CUT MY JOB!!!! Now what are we going to do?! We're going to lose everything, the cars, the house, boat, and EVERYTHING!!!!” (He’s crying).

Wife: (Gently said) Honey, come for a ride in the car with me.

As she drives around town, her husband's tears start to dry and he calms down a little.  The wife drives them past a condo complex, and points to it;

Wife: See that building? We own that. It brings in about Php 20,000 a month. And see that Marina? We're co-owners with our friends Ling Lee and Donna. And, I didn't tell you, but I also bought stocks in Oil Mill Company when they were a start-up, and now I have invested in new Feeds Manufacturing company technology that the Korean is developing. We don't have to worry about money."

Husband: (He stammers) ...wha..wha..ho.."H-h-how did you do all this?

Wife: You know all these years we had sex and you gave me Php 500.00 each time? Well, I invested it, saved it, bought stocks, and did really well, and this is what we have to show for it.

The husband starts WAILING, SCREAMING, tears stream down in his face. He's so torn up he can barely catch his breath through all the hitching sobs racking him.

Wife: Honey!! What's the matter? I thought you would be happy with me!!

The husband struggles to catch his breath to speak, and finally is able to say

"If I had known this, I would have given you Php 1,000.00 every time which I gave to somebody else!"

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